Roll up your sleeves

Van Life Builds

Roll up your sleeves

Van Life Builds

Needs. Desires. Imagination. Construction

Planning Your Build

Step one, watch hours upon hours of van life vlogs focused on van life builds.  The creativity is endless.  After a number of mind blowing builds the notion that almost anything is possible sets in.

After you realize the vast potential then the van lifer videos that discuss the pros and cons of their van builds are invalueable.  The opportunity to bypass waste, disappointment, and frustration is connected to the time devouted to watching endless van build videos.  I suggest watching until you feel slightly nauseous, like I have covered this so many times, but within the repitition are unique invalueable nuggets the others don’t have.

In addition to the YouTube videos are all the pictures on the various social sites, they are inspiring in terms of ideas.

I will be crafting a blog post about my own build and the reflections I have.  I can say here, I spent a large numbers of hours watching and researching and it paid off.



Dream & Do

Embrace The Challenge

Van Life On The Socials


I believe this website is one of the top resources for understanding a van life build.  The volume of information is impressive, well communicated, visually appealing, and organized in a way that is easy to understand and flows from point to point. A must check out.

VanLife Instgram

I have built a collection of Instagram accounts and put them in a portfolio that you can filter based on the followin categories:

  • Builds -Visual ideas of construction
  • Lifestyle – People who are living vanlife day to day
  • Budget – Van builds that are budget friendly
  • Pro – Custom builds out of a shop or skilled professional
  • Travel – Vanlifers who are focused on traveling

VanLife Facebook


VanLife YouTube


Van Life Build Websites

Divine On The Road

She provides a nice breakdown involved in the build out process.

Engineers Who Van Life

Get inside the mind of an engineer.  Plenty of guides using a product called 8020, if you have the money for it, it is an amazing construction material.

Bearfoot Theory

Budge build guide.

The Vanual

Cool website layout of one persons journey constructing his van.

Asobo Life

Check out this idea for designing floor plans without expensive software.


Dig into this article contemplating DIY conversion or hire a professional build outfit.

Live, Explore, Survive, Thrive

VanLife Community

Ya don't really know unless you go for it.  When you go for it ya might not like it, but if you do, it is something you will treasure forever.  The joy, the struggles, the liberation, the isolation, who else understands this lifestyle?  Other vanlifers!  Share your story, make new friends!